It's been more than a decade since Typical Programmer Greg Jorgensen taught the word about Abject-Oriented Programming.

Much of what he said still applies, but other things have changed.
I haven't posted anything new in a couple years (partly because I attempted to move to a different blogging platform where I could write everything in markdown instead of HTML but got frustrated—which I may attempt again), but I've had a few private comments and emails on some of the old posts, so I
Looking before you leap

Python is a duck-typed language, and one where you usually trust EAFP ("Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission") over LBYL ("Look Before You Leap").

Currently, CPython’s internal bytecode format stores instructions with no args as 1 byte, instructions with small args as 3 bytes, and instructions with large args as 6 bytes (actually, a 3-byte EXTENDED_ARG followed by a 3-byte real instruction).
If you want to skip all the tl;dr and cut to the chase, jump to Concrete Proposal.
Many people, when they first discover the heapq module, have two questions:

Why does it define a bunch of functions instead of a container type? Why don't those functions take a key or reverse parameter, like all the other sorting-related stuff in Python? Why not a type?

At the abstract level, it'
Currently, in CPython, if you want to process bytecode, either in C or in Python, it’s pretty complicated.

The built-in peephole optimizer has to do extra work fixing up jump targets and the line-number table, and just punts on many cases because they’re too hard to deal with.
One common "advanced question" on places like StackOverflow and python-list is "how do I dynamically create a function/method/class/whatever"? The standard answer is: first, some caveats about why you probably don't want to do that, and then an explanation of the various ways to do it when you reall
A few years ago, Cesare di Mauro created a project called WPython, a fork of CPython 2.6.4 that “brings many optimizations and refactorings”. The starting point of the project was replacing the bytecode with “wordcode”. However, there were a number of other changes on top of it.
Many languages have a for-each loop.
When the first betas for Swift came out, I was impressed by their collection design. In particular, the way it allows them to write map-style functions that are lazy (like Python 3), but still as full-featured as possible.
In a previous post, I explained in detail how lookup works in Python.

In a previous post, I explained in detail how lookup works in Python. But, briefly, Python has certain optimizations baked into the design; those optimizations may sometimes restrict your code (e.g., you can't use exec to set a local variable), and may even restrict other optimizations the implementation might want to do. So, let's go back to the start and redesign the lookup model and see if there's an alternative.

Core Python behavior

There are some ideas that are central enough to Python that changing them would give us an entirely new language, so we don't want to change them. The tl;dr for most of it is the basic LEGB rule, but there's a bit more to it than that:
  • Implicit declarations: assigning to a new name creates a new local variable.
    • Explicit nonlocal declarations: after nonlocal spam, assigning to spam does not implicitly declare a new local variable; instead, it references the first variable named spam in an outer scope.
    • Explicit global declarations: after global spam, assigning to spam does not implicitly declare a new local variable; instead, it references the variable named spam in the module's global scope.
  • Lexical scoping: free names are bound in lexically outer scopes, not in the dynamic runtime environment.
  • Globals and builtins: the global scope of a module may be the outermost lexical scope in the source code, but builtins are treated as another scope even outside that.
  • Local scopes are defined by function definitions (including def, lambda, and the hidden definition inside comprehensions) and class definitions only (not by every block/suite).
  • Dynamic globals: names at the module global scope are always looked up by name at runtime. This allows us to build modules iteratively (compiling statement by statement--as is done for __main__, the top-level script or interactive REPL), modify their environments with statements like exec, and so on. (Note that we're talking about dynamic lookup within a lexical scope, not about dynamic scope. This isn't too important for globals, but it will matter later.)
Other ideas aren't fundamental to Python's design, and are driven by other design decisions, or by optimization, or by implementation simplicity; we could change them and still have a language that feels like Python (even if it might not actually meet the Python reference well enough to be called a Python implementation).

Function locals

Whenever execution enters a new function call, a new context gets created. Conceptually, this is a mapping, that holds the callee's local variables. You can get the local context at any time by calling locals or vars (and it's implicitly passed as the default value to any call to eval or exec).

However, this isn't necessarily what Python actually uses. In particular, CPython stores the context as an array, by converting all local name lookups into array indices at compile time. So, if you try to change your local context (e.g., locals()["x"] = 3 or exec('x = 3')), it will generally have no effect.

This is different from the case with global variables. Code that accesses global variables does so through the same dict returned by globals(), and module-level code uses the global scope as its local scope.

We can force things to work the same way at the local scope by converting every LOAD_FAST and STORE_FAST into a LOAD_NAME and STORE_NAME, putting the names in co_names instead of co_varnames, and making sure that the locals dict always gets created instead of only on demand (which, in CPython, you can do by making sure the usual CO_NEWLOCALS flag is set but the usual CO_OPTIMIZED is not). This is all something we could do in a decorator with some bytecode hacking.


As mentioned above, Python compiles local variable references to indexes into an array of locals. So how do closures work? For any local accessed by an inner function, a cell object is stored in place of the value in the array, which is just an object with a single member value. When that inner function is entered, it gets references to the same cells in its frame. Instead of LOAD_FAST and STORE_FAST you get LOAD_DEREF and STORE_DEREF, which, instead of accessing the cell itself, access the value inside the cell.

When you call locals, if there are any freevars (cells inherited from an outer scope) or cellvars (cells exposed to an inner scope), you don't get the cell objects in the dictionary, but their values. Changing them has no effect even in cases where changing local variables does.

If we changed local lookup to be by name, what would happen with closures? Well, I think the changes above would copy all names inward. Which works fine for immutable names, but if we're trying to rebind names in the outer scope (i.e., we've used nonlocal), or (I think) even if we're trying to pick up rebindings from the outer scope, it breaks.

There might be a way to make this work easily using the LOAD_CLASSDEREF op, which is designed to look in a real locals dict (class suites don't use fastvars) and then fall back to consulting cells. But I'm not sure. Anyway, switching over to the next bit is the fun part, so let's charge forward assuming this isn't workable.

The traditional Lispy solution to this is to make environments into something like a ChainMap instead of a dict. That automatically fixes picking up rebindings from the outer scope, but it doesn't help for pushing rebindings back up. We need to have two separate operations for "add/modify this binding in the topmost dict" vs. "modify this binding in the topmost dict that already had such a binding". Then every LOAD_DEREF turns into a LOAD_NAME just like LOAD_FAST did (it's now a chained lookup automatically by virtual of using ChainMap), but STORE_DEREF calls this new rebind-topmost-existing binding method instead of the usual set-in-top-dict method used by STORE_NAME.

If we wanted to still have cell objects (they are exposed to the Python level, and even mutable in 3.7+), I think they'd have to change for a simple value holder to a reference to a ChainMap together with a name.

In fact, having done that, we could just leave LOAD_DEREF and STORE_DEREF alone, and let the cell variables handle the indirection through the ChainMap for us. Although I think that might be more confusing, not less.

The other closure-related opcode is LOAD_CLOSURE, which loads a cell object so it can be passed farther down. I think nobody will need to access the loaded cell anymore unless someone inspects the closure in a frame object or the like, so we could just strip these out (or change them to load a const—something has to be on the stack…) if we're willing to break that. Alternatively, if we're building chain-map-referencing cell objects, we have to replace LOAD_CLOSURE with code to build them.

There might be other subtle semantic differences from the change to chained environments. On the other hand, it would make it a lot easier to experiment with different semantics from within Python. Creating new cell variables and new closures is very hard; creating a new chained environment to pass to something like exec is dead easy.

One thing you could (I think) conceivably do with this is to generate your own chained environments and pass them into function code instead of using the default ones, which you could use to, e.g., explicitly use dynamic instead of lexical scoping for some particular call.


Once we have the same flexibility in locals and closures that we do in globals, is there any need for a special global scope anymore? We could just make it another environment at the bottom of the chain. If we wanted to replace LOAD_GLOBAL and STORE_GLOBAL with code that uses the chain map, we'd need a way to go to the back of the chain rather than the front.

But the simpler solution is to just keep passing around separate globals and locals (in functions and classes) and keep accessing globals the same as always. The fact that the global namespace is just a reference to the same dict at the back of the local namespace's chain wouldn't affect normal code, but it would be true for anyone who wants to play around.

Either way, not only can we now close over globals, we can even (if we decided to implement closure cells as indirections to the chain instead of scrapping them) construct and pass around cells for them. Closing over globals is something that nobody but Lisp fanatics even notices that Python can't do today, but hey, it can't. Of course we might want to preserve that limitation instead of fixing it, but I don't think we need to. The compiler should still barf on using nonlocal for something that's global instead of outer, and still generate LOAD_GLOBAL ops for something that's global instead of outer with neither declaration, and so on, so existing code should just work the same way; it would just become possible, with a bit of monkeying, to pick up a global environment, pass it around as if it were a nonlocal one, and have everything magically work.


If we monkey with globals, builtins are a bit of a problem. Conceptually, the global namespace already works sort of like a chained environment with globals in front of builtins (and no way to directly store into the outer namespace). However, practically, it's a big pile of hacks. For example, eval just takes locals and globals, no builtins. If the globals has a __builtins__ member, it's used as the builtin environment; otherwise, all of the globals at the scope of the eval call (which normally includes the __builtins__ member, of course) are automatically copied into the passed-in globals first. Trying to make this not break anything could be a lot of fun.

Also, of course, if we move builtins into a real chained environment outside of globals instead of the sort-of-like-that thing Python does today, the LOAD_GLOBAL and STORE_GLOBAL are no longer going to the end of the chain, but to one level before the end, which is getting a little too special to be readable as a special case. But I don't think we wanted to replace the global ops anyway. And, if not, we can just leave builtins alone.


Code inside a class suite gets executed the same way as top-level code (as opposed to function code), except that instead of having the enclosing global namespace for both its globals and locals, it has the enclosing global and a copy of the local namespace. (Also, some extra values are crammed into the locals to allow super to work, set up __module__, etc., but I think the compiler does that just by emitting some explicit STORE_NAME stuff at the top of the code.) When the suite is finished executing, the metaclass gets called with the class name, base classes, and the local environment.

As mentioned above, classes actually use the locals dict, not a fast array on the frame like functions, so there's no need to change anything there. As for using LOAD_CLASSDEREF in place of LOAD_DEREF, changing that to LOAD_NAME with a chained environment should just work.


Basically, what (I think) we could change without breaking everything is:
  • Replace the locals dictionary with a chain of dictionaries (with an extra method to replace rather than insert).
  • Make the locals dictionary actually live and mutable even inside function calls.
  • Replace all fast locals with existing ops that go to the locals dictionary.
  • Replace closure cell loads with the same existing op.
  • Replace closure cell stores with calls to the new replace method (or a new opcode that does that).
  • Wrap up exec-like functions to chain globals onto the end of locals.
And the result should be something that:
  • Works like normal Python for 99.9% of code.
  • Is significantly slower (fast locals and closure cells are an optimization, as the name "fast" implies, and we'd be tossing them).
  • Exposes a bit of new functionality that might be fun to play with.
  • Is significantly easier to understand, except that nobody could really try to learn it until they already knew how the more complicated normal Python rules work.
So, is this worth doing? Well, I've got an 0.1 decorator-based version that completely breaks any inner functions with closure cells, or inner class definitions with or without them, but works for simple functions, which is kind of cool. If I have the time and inclination, maybe I'll go farther, or at least clean up what I have and post it on GitHub. But I can't imagine actually using it for anything. The exploration and implementation is the only point.

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The documentation does a great job explaining how things normally get looked up, and how you can hook them.

But to understand how the hooking works, you need to go under the covers to see how that normal lookup actually happens.

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