The best collections library design?
About a year ago, Jules Jacobs wrote a series (part 1 and part 2, with part 3 still forthcoming) on the best collections library design.
Much of what follows is a repeat of ideas from Swift-style map and filter views and other posts like Iterator terminology, but hopefully seeing it from a different viewpoint will make it clearer. (At least writing this response to his post made some of it clearer to me.)
Of course Jacobs acknowledges that there are tradeoffs, and his final best design isn't perfect. It's basically an extension of Clojure's reducer/transducer design (by splitting transducers into refolders and folders, aka transformers and consumers, you can design everything around composing transformers without running into all of the same problems). He's candid about what's missing.
Much of what follows is a repeat of ideas from Swift-style map and filter views and other posts like Iterator terminology, but hopefully seeing it from a different viewpoint will make it clearer. (At least writing this response to his post made some of it clearer to me.)
Of course Jacobs acknowledges that there are tradeoffs, and his final best design isn't perfect. It's basically an extension of Clojure's reducer/transducer design (by splitting transducers into refolders and folders, aka transformers and consumers, you can design everything around composing transformers without running into all of the same problems). He's candid about what's missing.