Statements and Expressions
On the Python-ideas list, in yet another thread on a way to embed statements in expressions, I raised the issue that the statement-expression distinction, and not having a way to escape it, is important to why Python is so readable. But I couldn't explain exactly why.
3An Abbreviated Table of binary64 Values
In IEEE Floats and Python, I chose to use a tiny "binary6" type because it's easy to show a table of values that helps clarify things.
Someone suggested that you could just as easily write a table of binary64 values, ellipsizing large chunks of it, and it would also be useful for clarifying things.
IEEE Floats and Python
Everybody knows that "floating point numbers cause problems." Many people have misconceptions about what those problems are, and how to deal with them.
Subtyping and Ducks
Many tutorials on object-oriented programming conflate inheritance and subtyping. In fact, it's often considered part of the OO dogma that they should be conflated.
This is wrong for Python in a wide variety of ways.
Greenlets, threads, and processes
It's very common in a program to want to do two things at once: repaginate a document while still responding to user input, or handle requests from two (or 10000) web browsers at the same time. In fact, pretty much any GUI application, network server, game, or simulator needs to do this.
6Why don't you want getters and setters?
If you've migrated to Python from C++ or one of its descendants (Java, C#, D, etc.), or to a lesser extent from other OO languages (Objective C, Ruby, etc.), the first time you asked for help on StackOverflow or CodeReview or python-list or anywhere else, the first response you got was probably: "Ge