Sockets and multiprocessing
If you want to write a forking server, one obvious way to do it is to use the multiprocessing module to create a pool of processes, then hand off requests as you get them.
The problem is that handling a request usually involves reading from and writing to a client socket. So, you need to send the socket object as part of the request. And you can't pickle sockets.
There are easy ways around this for some cases:
For protocols without much data per request and response, there's an easy solution: the main process does the reads, dispatches a buffer instead of a socket, receives back a buffer, and does the writes. But that won't work for, e.g., streaming large files.
The problem is that handling a request usually involves reading from and writing to a client socket. So, you need to send the socket object as part of the request. And you can't pickle sockets.
There are easy ways around this for some cases:
For protocols without much data per request and response, there's an easy solution: the main process does the reads, dispatches a buffer instead of a socket, receives back a buffer, and does the writes. But that won't work for, e.g., streaming large files.