ADTs for Python
Recently, as an aside to the proposal for static type annotations in Python, Guido offhandedly noted another suggested improvement to Python, adding ADTs (Algebraic Data Types).
5A pattern-matching case statement for Python
The idea of a pattern-matching case statement has come up a few times recently (first in a proposal to add a C-style case statement, more recently as part of a the proposal to add static type annotations), but the discussion ends as soon as people realize that it's not quite as easy as it appears.
2How strongly typed is Python?
Weak typing
A language with weak typing is one where programs can escape the type system. Another way to describe it is that values can change types.
How do comprehensions work?
The official tutorial does a great job explaining list comprehensions, iterators, generators, and generator expressions at a high level. Since some people don't want to read even that much, I wrote a post on comprehensions for dummies to summarize it.