Swift has the same key types and methods as Python, but uses different names for all of them: Generator for Iterator, Sequence for Iterable, Collection for Sequence, generate() for __iter__(), next() for __next__(), generatorOf() for iter(), etc.For the most part, everything you know about Python translates over directly. A Python iterator is an iterable that returns itself on __iter__ and is one-pass (looping over it consumes it); a Python sequence is an iterable that can be indexed, does not return itself, and is multi-pass; the exact same things are true for the Swift equivalents.
From here on out, I'll use Python terminology for everything.
def __len__(self): return len(self.seq)
Of course the fact that it's not an iterator means it's not a drop-in replacement. You can't dropwhile a MapSequenceView to get a map starting at the first positive element, or islice it or even next it to skip a value—or, rather, you can, but you'll get a new iterator, leaving the original MapSequenceView unchanged. But that's OK; you wouldn't use this as a drop-in replacement, you'd use this when you want the new behavior. And ideally, dropwhile, islice, etc. should all be built the same way, with their own DropWhileSequenceView, etc. types.
Interestingly, some Swift collections, when sliced, return special FooSlice types that provide a view onto the sliced part of the original collection. But I don't think that's at all necessary, given that an ISliceSequenceView over a MapSequenceView would provide the exact same benefits as a special MapSequenceViewSlice type.
Also, the repr of a Swift map sequence view isn't the mapped sequence, it's essentially the constructor call that shows how to rebuild the same view. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. (What might be cool is to show something like [f(0), f(1), f(2), f(3)] for map(f, [0, 1, 2, 3])…)
The filter function is even more interesting. When given an iterator, it returns an iterator, but when given a sequence, it returns a sequence. How does that work? How can you know in advance that index #3 in the filtered sequence is index #8 in the original?You can't. This is where another interesting feature of Swift comes in.
In Swift, sequences aren't necessarily indexed by integers; they're indexed by any kind of object you want, and there's a standard hierarchy of index types: ForwardIndex can't do anything but increment, BidirectionalIndex can also decrement; RandomAccessIndex can also do arithmetic; and Integer is what it sounds like. This idea is borrowed from C++, where the standard library has a bunch of collections that have begin and end methods (which Swift uses a different name for, but I'll ignore that for consistency) that return indexes (which C++ calls iterators, but I'll ignore that again) of the appropriate type, and all of its functions work on those indexes while knowing nothing of the collection itself.
And Swift makes things even more interesting by having the equivalent of range(start, end) for all kinds of indexes rather than just integers, and slice(start, end) as well (in fact, range and slice are the same thing in Swift, because sadly it doesn't support negative indexing). And enumerate returns indexes of the appropriate type too.
So, what good is all that? Well, a FilterSequenceView can return a BidirectionalIndex from its begin and end methods, rather than 0 and len(self), and therefore enumerate returns BidirectionalIndex values. Which means you can look ahead or back from the current position while looping:
for i, value in enumerate(f):
if value == "spam":
if f[i.pred()] == "eggs":
return "complete breakfast"
It also means the reversed function works on any bidirectional sequence, like a FilterSequenceView, because it's implemented as a ReversedSequenceView that wraps the other sequence and returns indexes that work backward.
Of course this requires ints to have succ and pred methods, so the same code will work whether f is random-access or just bidirectional, but that's a pretty minor thing to add.
(I'm cheating a bit here; while Swift has this capability, at least as of beta 2, its standard library doesn't actually use it. The filter function returns a forward-only sequence, which can't be reversed. Also, both bidirectional and forward sequences are basically useless for anything but iteration because the protocol provides no begin and end methods. Each sequence in the stdlib happens to provide startIndex and endIndex properties, but because Swift has statically-typed generics instead of duck typing, that doesn't help if all you know is that you have a sequence…)
Other methods
Sadly, Swift has almost no other functions that create or transform iterables—beyond map and filter, there's enumerate and partial implementations of zip and repeat. But the same idea can be carried forward to all of the functions that Python has in itertools and elsewhere. For the functions in itertools and builtin:- map, zip, count, cycle, repeat, islice, starmap, zip_longest, and product can create return randomly-accessible sequences, bidirectional sequences, forward sequences, or iterators, depending on the weakest of their arguments.
- filter, chain, compress, filterfalse, dropwhile, takewhile, and permutation and friends can return bidirectional sequences, forward sequences, or iterators, depending on the weakest argument.
- accumulate and groupby can return a forward sequence or iterator, depending on the weakest argument. (If the function had an inverse, accumulate could return a bidirectional sequence, but you can't even guarantee that for the default + operator for all types…)
See seqview on GitHub for a proof of concept.
An even crazier idea
- map and similar functions returning sequence views if given a sequence
- all such functions in itertools being updated
- helper to make it easier to define such sequence-or-iterator functions in Python
- similar helper for C?
- bidirectional, and maybe forward, sequences
- single sequence type with standard index types, instead of new sequence types
- making reversed work on bidirectional sequences
- filter and similar functions returning sequence views if given a sequence
- all such functions in itertools being updated
- helper function to make it easier to define random-or-bidirectional-or-iterator functions in Python
- similar helper for C?
- sequence comprehensions
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