Does Python pass by value, or by reference?
Does Python pass by value, or pass by reference?
If you twist around how you interpret the terms, you can call it either. Java calls the same evaluation strategy "pass by value", while Ruby calls it "pass by reference". But the Python documentation carefully avoids using either term, which is smart.
(I've been told that Jeff Knupp has a similar blog post called Is Python call-by-value or call-by-reference? Neither. His seems like it might be more accessible than mine, and it covers most of the same information, so maybe go read that if you get confused here, or maybe even read his first and then just skim mine.)
Variables and values
The distinction between "pass by value" and "pass by reference" is all about variables. Which is why it doesn't apply to Python.
If you twist around how you interpret the terms, you can call it either. Java calls the same evaluation strategy "pass by value", while Ruby calls it "pass by reference". But the Python documentation carefully avoids using either term, which is smart.
(I've been told that Jeff Knupp has a similar blog post called Is Python call-by-value or call-by-reference? Neither. His seems like it might be more accessible than mine, and it covers most of the same information, so maybe go read that if you get confused here, or maybe even read his first and then just skim mine.)
Variables and values
The distinction between "pass by value" and "pass by reference" is all about variables. Which is why it doesn't apply to Python.