There are a number of blogs out there that tackle the problems of callbacks for servers, or for Javascript, but novices trying to write Python GUIs shouldn't have to learn about the different issues involved in servers, or a whole different language.

In another post, I showed the two major approaches to writing asynchronous GUI code: threading and callbacks. Both have drawbacks. But there are a number of techniques to get many of the advantages of threads, on top of callbacks. So, to some extent, you can get (part of) the best of both worlds.

Most of these techniques come from the world of network servers. The central issue facing network servers is the same as GUIs--your application has to be written as a bunch of event handlers that can't block or take a long time.

Imagine a simple Tkinter app.

So you've installed Python from an official binary installer on's Releases page, you've installed Xcode from the App Store and the Command Line Tools from Xcode, you've installed pip from its setup script. And now, you try to "pip-X.Y install pyobjc" and it fails with a whole slew of obscure error messages. 

An easy workaround: Don't

The official binary installer seems like the easy way to do things, but it's not. It's built to work with every version of OS X from 10.6 to 10.9.
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