1. Why install a third-party Python 2.7?

    Python.org, Homebrew, scipy.org, 69105 different blog posts explaining how to install numpy/scipy/etc. on a Mac, etc. all tell you to install a different Python alongside Apple's. Almost nobody tells you to just use Apple's (except Homebrew, but they also tell you the opposite…).

    There are some good reasons to install a third-party Python 2.7 on your Mac. If any of these apply, go install it:
    • You have an older OS X that doesn't come with 2.7.
    • You need one of the fixes in the latest 2.7.x.
    • You plan to use py2app to distribute binary applications. (As of 0.7.3, you can only build "semi-standalone" apps against 64-bit Apple Python.)
    • You don't have admin access, and for some reason can't install virtualenv into a user site-packages directory and do everything inside a venv.
    • You need an extra-batteries Python like Enthought.
    • You need the absolutely exact same Python on your 10.8 and 10.6 machines, or even (as far as ActiveState can make possible) on your Windows and Linux machines.
    • You use a non-usr-root package manager like MacPorts, Fink, or gentoo-alt.
    • You're hacking on the Python 2.x source.
    But if none of those apply, do you really need another 2.7? Because there are an awful lot of downsides.

    Why not install a third-party Python 2.7?

    Parallel installs of the same minor version suck

    Python is designed to handle parallel installs—but it does so by using X.Y directories and suffixes. So, if you have two 2.7s, you get:
    • Executable path collisions. Most Python installations will try to install extra scripts and executables like pip, ipython, etc. into /usr/local/bin. So, you'll end up silently replacing your python.org-Python ipython with an Apple-Python ipython. And "ipython-2.7" doesn't help, because they're both called that.
    • Executable name collisions. Even if they're in different directories, what gets run by "python2.7" or "pip-2.7" depends on which is higher on your path.
    • Site-packages collisions. There are a variety of site-packages directories, like /Library/Python/2.7, which will be shared by all of your 2.7 builds. That's usually fine for pure-Python code, but a C extension (like numpy or lxml) built for one Python 2.7 may insta-crash the other 2.7 if you're lucky, or cause instability or incorrect results if you're not.

    $PATH Management is painful, even more so on Mac than other *nix

    By default, /usr/local/bin comes later in the PATH than /usr/bin for shell scripts and sessions, and isn't on the path at all for GUI apps and LaunchAgents. So, when you type "python" or "python2.7", you'll still be getting Apple's Python.

    You can change for your user scripts and sessions by munging your PATH in your .bash_profile or .profile, or system-wide in /etc/profile or /etc/paths, or for GUI apps and LaunchAgents in the appropriate environment.plist, etc. But you have to know which ones to change and why.

    Also, other packages may expect /usr/local/bin to be after /usr/bin on the PATH.

    There are plenty of people out there who can explain to you the difference between bash_profile and bashrc, bash_profile and profile, ~/.profile and /etc/profile, etc. But most of them are linux users who have no idea what an environment.plist is, how LaunchServices works, etc.—and they'll be mystified by the idea that anyone would have two system-wide installs of Python 2.7 in the first place.

    Avoiding /usr/local helps, but not enough

    The Python.org installers give you an option to leave /usr/local alone and install everything into the framework instead, letting you put /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin on your PATH instead of /usr/local/bin.

    Similarly, Homebrew lets you do a "keg-only" install, putting everything into /usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.3/bin and not symlinking it into /usr/local/bin.

    This solves a lot of the problems, but not all of them. You still have to get that path onto your PATH (and, when you forget what path was, you need to know how to find it again). And you still have name collisions, so you can still end up with "pip-2.7" installing packages that "ipython2.7" can't find.

    Weird Apple libraries break stuff

    Apple often installs specially-patched, bleeding-edge, or otherwise weird libraries, which they may test with their own Python, but not with third-party Pythons. This can cause problems like:
    • On Snow Leopard 10.6, Apple's Tcl/Tk works with their Python, but with python.org's, IDLE and tkinter are broken. You have to follow the directions on python.org to install ActiveTcl.
    • On Lion 10.7, Apple's libxml2 works with lxml built against their Python, but not against Homebrew Python. You have to follow the directions on the Homebrew wiki to install a keg-only libxml2 package, and figure out for yourself how to get lxml built against it.

    Apple extras are missing

    Apple's Python comes with a few extra batteries, notably PyObjC. Besides the fact that PyObjC is a huge package that can be a pain to install (especially if you're an early adopter of a new OS X version), there are scripts out there that expect to be able to just "import AppKit" or "import AddressBook". And when you asking someone why "import AddressBook" doesn't work, 99% of the time they'll go looking for a package with that name on PyPI, or tell you that you need to read the prerequisites for whatever package you're trying to use, which is not helpful.

    Community support is unhelpful

    There's a lot of great help out there for Python, from the official mailing list to sites like StackOverflow and SuperUser.

    Almost none of these people can help you with running two system Python 2.7 versions in parallel. Linux and Windows users don't often do that. Many Mac users do, but only because they followed the same blog as you without really understanding what they were doing, and all they can say is, "Well, it worked for me."

    Within the scipy community, and possibly certain other niches, things are different. There are a lot of Mac users, many of whom regularly do things like hacking on C extensions, and they all use python.org 2.7. If you plan to ask for more help among that community than in the general Python world, you may be better off using python.org 2.7. (But even there, honestly, I'd try it with Apple Python first, and only install another 2.7 if you run into problems. See Installing scipy, etc., with Apple's Python 2.7 and there's a good chance it will just work.)

    So, why does everyone say to not use Apple's Python?

    First, it's a whole lot easier to just say "Install the python.org version" than "If you don't have an Apple version 2.7, or you have an Apple 2.7.2 version but need the 2.7.3 fixes, or…"

    Historically, Apple used to distribute very outdated, incomplete, and/or broken Python versions. The conventional wisdom was built in the pre-Leopard era where using Apple's Python was a fool's errand. Most of the people who really know what they were doing got things working in Apple's earlier systems, and haven't had any reason to learn why Apple's newer systems are different.

    And even among those who know that Apple's doing things better, some don't trust Apple. How do we know OS X 10.9 won't come with Python 3.1 installed as python3? Or that 10.8.5 won't suddenly drop some of the key development files for 2.7, so you can't build C extensions anymore (as they did at one point in the old days)?

    Finally, the people involving in packaging up Python for python.org are much more a part of the public community than the people involved in packaging it up as part of the OS X install.

    So why should I listen to you?

    I see dozens of people on StackOverflow, mailing lists, in real life, etc. who don't understand how to manage two Python 2.7 installations, and are only doing it because "everyone says to do it", and can't get it to work.

    Even if you know what you're doing, using Apple's Python is just much, much easier. While I set up a build machine with python.org 2.7.3 to run nightly tests and build py2app packages and so on, my personal dev boxes use Apple's 2.7.2, because it saves me a bit of time in setting up a new dev box, and a whole lot of time in avoiding regular hassles.

    So, I think the blanket statement that most people should install another Python is wrong, at least in the 10.8 era. Certainly some people should. If you already know you need 2.7.3 or a py2app-capable standalone install or whatever, or you started with Apple's Python and then ran into a brick-wall problem with it, or your first source for help is the physics grad students down the hall rather than a site like StackOverflow, don't hesitate to install another 2.7. But otherwise, you may be a lot happier sticking with Apple's.

    Shouldn't I just use 3.3 instead of 2.7 anyway?

    Yes! There are plenty of good reasons some people need to stay on 2.x (see Python 2 or Python 3 on the official site for details—although it's more than 2 years out of date—and check PyPI to see if all the packages you need are 3.x-compatible). But if none of them apply to you, "Python 3.x is the present and the future of the language."

    Plus, Python is designed to have multiple installations in parallel as long as they're not the same minor version, so most of the downsides in this post won't matter.

    So, if you can use 3.3 instead of 2.7, go get it from python.org and stop worrying.

    What about PyPy, IronPython, or Jython?

    Well, for IronPython or Jython, if you need it, you probably already know you need it.

    For PyPy, it's usually a tradeoff of "runs my code faster" vs. "doesn't have support for many libraries that I need". (As with 3.x, the situation is getting better every day, but may not be good enough yet for you.) And, even if performance or other features aren't important to you, it's a solid Python 2.7.3 implementation that can be installed in parallel with CPython 2.7.2 and happens to be faster to boot. But really, in most cases I can think of where you need 2.7 instead of 3.x, and can't use Apple's 2.7, you also can't use PyPy.

    Still, if you can, go for it.

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  2. tl;dr

    1. Install Xcode from the App Store, then install the Command Line Tools from Xcode (Preferences | Downloads | Components).
    2. Install Python 3.3.0 (or the latest non-beta version, if you're in the future) by running the "Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit Installer". Follow the installer's instructions to make sure python3 ends up on your PATH.
    3. Install Homebrew, gfortran, distribute/easy_install, pip, readline, python, numpy, ipython, and whichever packages you need:
          ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"
          brew install gfortran
          curl -O http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py
          python3.3 distribute_setup.py
          curl -O https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py
          python3.3 get-pip.py
          easy_install-3.3 readline
          pip-3.3 install numpy 
          pip-3.3 install ipython scipy pandas
    This is a little more complicated than with Apple's 2.7, because you have to install Python itself, and because you don't get easy_install for free. But still, not too bad. And the only part that's Mac-specific is setting up your compiler toolchain (Xcode), package manager (brew), and Python.

    This works with, at least, clean installs of 10.8.0, 10.8.1, 10.8.2, and pre-release 10.8.3.

    After the install

    Always use the X.Y-suffixed executables (python3.3, ipython3-3.3, pip-3.3, etc.).

    If not, at least the 3-suffixed ones (python3, ipython3, pip3, etc.); the plain versions will still be for Python 2.x.

    I want to use Python 2

    See Installing scipy, etc., with Apple's Python 2.7.

    If you want to use a non-Apple 2.x, or a non-CPython 2.x, that post has some information, but mostly it just tells you to look elsewhere (for the former) or that you can't do that (in the latter).

    What if I have problems?

    If you go to python-list or StackOverflow or wherever looking for help, first, make sure you mention Python 3 immediately. Especially on sites like SO, especially with scientific computing, people are going to expect 2.7 unless you say otherwise. Sad, but, as of early 2013, true.

    Meanwhile, whether you followed this blog post or another one to try to get things working, always have this information in advance, and put it in your question:
    • Which blog post did you follow (with a link)?
    • What OS X are you on?
    • Exactly which Python did you install (e.g., python.org 3.3.0 64-bit installer, Homebrew python3 package 3.3.0, etc.), and what options did you use?
    • What does "echo $PATH" say from the shell? (And, if your problem is running "import scipy" after an install seemed to work, what does "print(sys.path)" say from Python?)
    • What command failed, and what is the complete error?
    If you don't, you will spend hours answering these questions (especially since nobody has ever answered all of them at once—for some reason people seem to feel that answering 1.5 questions out of 5 is sufficient), or you will get irrelevant or even incorrect answers that lead you to waste hours screwing up your system even worse.

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  3. tl;dr

    1. Install Xcode from the App Store, then install the Command Line Tools from Xcode (Preferences | Downloads | Components).
    2. Install Homebrew, gfortran, pip, readline, python, numpy, ipython, and whichever packages you need:
    3.     ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"
          brew install gfortran
          sudo easy_install pip readline
          sudo pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall numpy 
          sudo pip install ipython scipy pandas matplotlib
    4. There is no step 3. No setting up symlinks, monkeying with your PATH, etc. And, except for that first step of getting your compiler toolchain (Xcode) and package manager (brew) set up, none of it's Mac-specific.
    This works with, at least, clean installs of 10.8.0, 10.8.1, 10.8.2, and pre-release 10.8.3.

    But I'm using an older OS X that doesn't have Python 2.7

    Then this guide isn't for you. Sorry.

    Why do I have to force-upgrade numpy?

    Depending on your OS X version, you may have numpy pre-installed. (Also, a lot of people seem to get numpy installed on their own before running into problems with other packages.) The problem is that if you install numpy with Fortran support disabled, this will cause problems when you install scipy. So, after installing Fortran, upgrade numpy.

    (Plus, at the time of this posting, 1.7.0 is pretty new, so if you have it, you probably have 1.6.x.)

    Isn't 2.7.2 out of date?

    If you need any of the fixes mentioned on the 2.7.3 Release page or Change log, you will have to install 2.7.3 and follow a different guide.

    I want to use Python 3, or PyPy, or…

    For 3.x, see Installing scipy, etc., for Python 3 on Mac.

    For PyPy, as far as I know, numpypy is still a work in progress. If you're willing to assist the development (even just by testing), they'd probably love your help.

    For other non-CPython versions like Jython and IronPython, you're out of luck—you'll probably want to find JVM or .NET numeric and scientific libraries and use them instead.

    But what about all those 300-line blog posts that say it's easier to start with the python.org installer?

    Do they look easier?

    All that stuff they make you do monkeying with your PATH or manually setting up symlinks is only necessary because you're setting up another copy of Python 2.7 in parallel with the one Apple already gave you. If you don't do that, you don't have to deal with all that complexity.

    If you want to do it anyway, go ahead. But I'd recommend learning what you're actually doing with your PATH—what the difference is between setting it in profile vs. bash_profile, ~/.profile vs. /etc/profile, profile vs. environment.plist, etc.

    And, when you go looking for help, the general Python community is not going to be able to help you. The scipy community may actually be able to help you. But nobody ever goes there. Instead, they go to python-list or StackOverflow. Linux and Windows users never have two system-wide Python 2.7 installs. Mac users do, but they all followed one of those same blog posts you did, and all they know is that it works for them.

    So, when you inevitably show up on StackOverflow to post the 500th question this year asking "Why is scipy broken?", at least have this information in advance, and put it in your question:

    • Which blog post did you follow (with a link)?
    • What OS X are you on, and does it have an Apple Python 2.7 (/usr/bin/python)?
    • Which additional Python 2.7 did you install (e.g., python.org 64-bit installer, Homebrew package, etc.), and what options did you use?
    • What does "echo $PATH" say from the shell? (And, if your problem is running "import scipy" after an install seemed to work, what does "print(sys.path)" say from Python?)
    • What command failed, and what is the complete error?
    If you don't, you will spend hours answering these questions (especially since nobody has ever answered all of them at once—for some reason people seem to feel that answering 1.5 questions out of 5 is sufficient), or you will get irrelevant or even incorrect answers that lead you to waste hours screwing up your system even worse.

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